Saturday, November 14, 2009

How long is dental school?

Next year, I am going to be going to the county vocational school to become a dental assistant, and then after that i plan to go to college and study general dentistry.

According to this website my school uses to research careers, it requires at least 2 years of undergrad school and dental school.

How long does it actually take all together?

How long is dental school?
Most dental schools these days will not let you in without an undergraduate degree from a 4 year institution. Some schools offer pre-dental scholar programs that allow you to get in to dental school after 3 years without completing a 4 year degree, but those programs have additional requirements. After you have the 4 year degree, dental school itself is another 4 years. From there if you wish to specialize, you can look forward to another 1-3 years depending on your area. Have fun!

Also, most schools do not offer "general dentistry" as an undergraduate major. I would instead suggest majoring in a biological science, and pairing that with the "pre dentistry" option many schools have.

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