Thursday, November 12, 2009

Dental school students??

What does it take to get into dental school...including grades, but not only that, what about extracurriculars, etc?

Is there anyone here who got into dental school, if so what kind of stuff did you do to get in?

Dental school students??
To be accepted to dental school takes many hours of work and preperation in the classroom and with extracurricular activities. You want to make your application stand out from the rest. First and foremost you need really good grades. Cummulative GPA of at least 3.4 and science GPA of at least 3.3, the higher the better; DAT score of 19 or above. Every school has their own requirements for DAT and GPA. I would go to Barnes and Noble and get a book on the DAT; in the book should be the requirements for all Dental Schools. AS far as extracurriculars go, I would get involved with your Pre-MED/Dental society at your college. If they don't have a Dental society then start one. This will look great. Also try to have leadership postitions in any organization that you belong to as well. Any organization will do just fine. I would concentrate on your studies and the DAT first. If you nail those down then it is really hard for them to keep you out. But when I said try to make your application stand out from the rest I meant it. Think about how many people are applying and how are you going to get them to notice you. Best of luck!!!
Reply:you need a high 90 percentage....almost a 4.0...and most likely at least 2 years of college before you can apply for dental school, and there is an entrance exam...where are you from??That makes a huge difference

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