Friday, May 21, 2010

Can I graduate with a business degree but still go to dental school right after?

I will be graduating with high honors from the business school but being a dentist pays better. Will this work out?

Can I graduate with a business degree but still go to dental school right after?
Dentistry is a medical profession that has its own set of prerequisites. These would include a lot of science courses that I'm sure you didn't take in undergrad if you were a business major.

Since money is so important, I'll give you some advice you didn't ask for. I would bet money that if you choose to do something simply because of the way it pays, you're unlikely to feel good about your life no matter how much you accumulate. Picking at or pulling people's teeth can be a depressing job for people that don't feel very passionately about it. There's some idea that dentists are near the top in terms of professionals who commit suicide. While I question the validity of that, it had to originate somewhere. Be cautious if you're really considering pursuing a field as demanding as that based on $.
Reply:I thought you said you were a gunsmith? Which is true, or do you even know?

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